- Understanding LLM Understanding Summer School 2024
Keynote talk on "Learning to Reason is Hard",
Montreal, June 2024.
- AI: reasoning and mathematics 2024
Keynote talk on "Reasoning and Length Generalization Can Be Hard: Two Insights",
EPFL, Lausanne, May 2024.
- RIIAA 2024
Keynote talk on "Length Generalization Can Be Hard: Two Insights",
Quito, Ecuador, February 2024.
- ITA 2024
Keynote talk on "Length Generalization Can Be Hard: Two Insights",
San Diego, CA, USA, February 2024.
- MoroccoAI 2023 conference
Keynote talk on "Generalization on the unseen",
Online, December 2023.
- NeurIPS Workshop on Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing 2023
Keynote talk on "Simple and efficient self-training approaches for speech recognition",
NeurIPS, New Orleans, USA, December 2023.
- ICML Workshop on Knowledge and Logical Reasoning 2023
Keynote talk on "Generalization on the unseen, logic reasoning and degree curriculum",
ICML, Honolulu, USA, July 2023.
- Mila TechAide 2023
Keynote talk on "Recent Advances in Machine Learning Research at Apple",
Mila TechAide, Montreal, Canada, April 2023.
- Khipu 2023
Keynote talk on "Recent Advances in Machine Learning Research at Apple",
Khipu, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2023.
- BayLearn 2022
Keynote talk on "Recent Advances in Representation Learning",
Genentech, South San Francisco, October 2022.
- BIFOLD Inauguration
Keynote talk on "Recent Advances in Representation Learning",
Berlin, Germany, September 2022.
- Applied Machine Learning Days 2022
Keynote talk on "Can Neural Networks Learn Reasoning?",
EPFL, Switzerland, March 2022.
- Harvard ML Theory Seminar
Keynote talk on "Can Neural Networks Learn Reasoning?",
USA, February 2022.
Keynote talk on "Can Neural Networks Learn Reasoning; Insights, plus a look at long term research in machine learning",
USA, November 2021.
- Indaba X Senegal 2021
Keynote talk on "Can Neural Networks Learn Reasoning",
Dakar, Senegal, August 2021.
- World AI Summit Americas 2020
Keynote talk on "Towards Understanding Why Deep Learning Works",
Montreal, Canada, March 2020.
- ASRU 2019
Keynote talk on "Towards Better Understanding Generalization in Deep Learning",
Sentosa, Singapore, December 2019.
- Boston University
Invited talk on "Some empirical observations linking representation and generalization",
Boston, USA, February 2019.
- Qualcomm Machine Learning Summit
Keynote speaker on "Some empirical observations linking representation and generalization",
San Diego, USA, October 2018.
- Uber Machine Learning Summit
Keynote speaker on "A Sample of Recent Deep Learning Research at Google Brain", San Francisco, USA, September 2018.
- Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Invited talk on "Neural Combinatorial Optimization with
Reinforcement Learning with application to device placement". Berlin,
Germany, June 2017.
- Yandex
Guest Lecture on "Deep Architectures for Structured Data".
Moscow, Russia, December 2016.
- Berkeley University
Guest Lecture on "Two Ideas for Structured Data".
Berkeley, USA, October 2016.
- Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Invited talk on "Order Matters: Sequence to Sequence for Sets". MIT, Cambridge, USA, June 2016.
- DALI 2016
Invited talk on "Order Matters: Sequence to Sequence for Sets". Sestri Levante, Italy, April 2016.
- College de France
Invited talk on "Neural Image Captioning and other Structured Output Problems". Paris, France, March 2016.
- eBay Machine Learning and Data Science Conference
Invited talk on "Neural Image Captioning". eBay, USA, March 2016.
- Princeton Computer Science Department Seminar
Invited talk on "Neural Image Captioning". Princeton University, USA, February 2016.
- NIPS 2015 Extreme Classification Workshop
Invited talk on "Sharing is Caring in the Land of the Long Tail". Montreal, Canada, December 2015.
- ICMI 2015
Invited talk on "Sharing Representations for Long Tail Computer Vision Problems
Seattle, USA, November 2015.
- ICIAP 2015
Invited talk on "The Battle Against the Long Tail in Computer Vision".
Genoa, Italy, September 2015.
- AFEKA Conference for unsupervised learning
Invited talk on "The power of embeddings for text, images, music, voice and image caption generation".
Tel Aviv, Israel, April 2015.
- Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
Invited talk on "The Battle Against the Long Tail".
Toronto, Canada, January 2015.
- Speaker Odyssey 2014
Invited talk on "Large Scale Learning of a Joint
Embedding Space". Joensuu, Finland. June 2014.
- Trends in Machine Learning
Invited talk on "Embeddings for images: from large scale
image labeling to zero-shot classification". Kyoto, Japan, March 2014.
- ERMITES 2013
Invited talks on "Large Scale Semantic Extraction Through
Embeddings: From Images to Music" and "DeViSE". Ile de Porquerolles,
France, September 2013.
- Microsoft Machine Learning Summit 2013
Invited talk on "Laconic: Label Consistency for Image
Categorization". Paris, April 2013.
- WebVision 2012
Invited talk on "Don't Forget the Long Tail".
ECCV 2012, Florence, Italy, October 2012.
- Canadian AI 2012
Invited talk on "Learning A Semantic Space: From Image
Annotation to Music Similarity". Toronto, Canada. May 2012.
- DAS 2012
Conference on Document Analysis Systems.
Invited talk on "Learning A Semantic Space: From Image Annotation to
Music Similarity". Gold Coast, Queensland. March 2012.
- Workshop on Large Scale Multimedia Search 2012
Invited talk on "Learning A Semantic Space: From Image
Annotation to Music Similarity". UCLA, January 2011.
- NIPS Similarity Workshop 2011
Invited talk on "Online Similarity Learning: From Images
to Texts". Sierra Nevada, Andalucia, Spain, December 2011.
- Toyota Technical Institute in Chicago
Invited talk on "Learning A Semantic Space: From Image
Annotation to Music Similarity". Chicago, November 2011.
- National Academy of Engineering's Frontier of
Invited talk on "Large Scale Visual Semantic Extraction".
Mountain View, California, September 2011.
- Symposium on distributed machine learning and sparse
representation with massive data sets, organized by CSIRO.
Invited talk on "Web Scale Image Annotation: Learning to
Rank with Joint Word-Image Embeddings and Label Embedding Trees".
Sydney, Australia, January 2011.
- NIPS 2010 Workshop on Machine Learning for Next
Generation Computer Vision Challenges.
Invited talk on "Large scale image annotation: Learning
to rank with joint word-image embeddings". Whistler, Canada,
December 2010.
- IEEE Fourth International Conference on Biometrics:
Theory, Applications and Systems, BTAS 2010.
Invited talk on "Large scale image annotation: Learning
to rank with joint word-image embeddings". Arlington, Virginia, USA,
September 2010.
- Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and
Image Analysis, IbPRAI.
Invited talk on "OASIS", Porto, Portugal, June 2009.
- Colloque international Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le
Document, CIFED.
Invited tutorial on "information extraction: from text to
image". Fribourg, September 2006.
: Ecole Recherche Multimedia d'Information, Techniques
et Sciences.
Lectures on "Statistical Machine Learning for Multimodal
Sequence Processing and Extraction". Presqu'ile de Giens, September
- International Conference on Accoustic, Speech and
Signal Processing, ICASSP.
Invited talk at special session on
Multimodal Biometric Authentication. Title: "Chimeric users to construct
fusion classifiers in biometric authentication tasks: An investigation".
Toulouse, May 2006.
- 15eme congres francophone en reconnaissance des
formes et intelligence artificielle,
Invited talk on
"Challenges in Multi Channel Sequence Processing".
Tours, January 2006.
- International Conference on Multimodal Interactions,
Tutorial on "Statistical Machine Learning, with
application to Multimodal Interactions".
Trento, Italy. October 2005.
- Fourteenth Dutch-Belgian Conference on Machine Learning,
Invited talk on "Challenges in Multi-Channel Sequence
Processing". University of Twente. Enschede, Holland. February, 2005.
Summer School on Statistics and Environmental Sciences.
Lecture on "Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning".
Cargèse, Corsica, France. Novembre, 2004.